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Meditating on the Beach

Gifts and Resources

Gifts and resources available through our community...

Want to learn to Meditate?

Get your Free Guide Here!

Simple Meditation for Busy People

is a gift from Mindful Media Publishing as part of our Namaste Beaches Community Resources

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Healing Yoga with Shekinah

Shekinah offers online somatic yoga classes that you can start FOR FREE..

Yoga can be deeply healing on many levels, and often people just want to try it out to see if it's a fit for them before committing to a membership or course...

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Want to learn about Healing Herbs?

Get your Free Guide Here!

Gaia's Garden herbology eBook

is a gift from Mindful Media Publishing as part of our Namaste Beaches Community Resources

Wellness Professional? 

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Apply to become part of our Namaste Beaches Community and access co created help with building your digital business...

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Guided Meditation...

Join Suzy with her guided meditations to start your journey into bliss and relaxation...

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